Thursday, April 2, 2009

Just an update:
This past Saturday the three of us went to an African seminar and attended a workshop there that focused on health care. The workshop reiterated information that we have already obtained through research and from Lieutenant Col. Miller; but we also learned new information. For example, the African harvest is for about 9 months of the year and the other three months they have barely any harvest. During these months many struggle to get food. A current issue is teaching them about preserving food, so they will have surplus food to last them throughout the three months of no harvest. Another thing we learned is the mosquito nets that are often sent over there are not always used for the purpose they are intended for, preventing insect bites while sleeping. People use them for fishing, instead of protection. In Africa the majority of homes are not set up like a typical home in the US; multiple people can be sleeping in one bed. Therefore, it may be more beneficial for them to use the nets to catch fish. Screens for windows and doors could be more realistic to prevent mosquitoes and other insects from entering their homes. The meeting was helpful and informative! We also applied to be a non-profit organization on Monday, which will be called SHOING, Students Helping Others In Need Globally. Once we are establish as a non-profit organization, we will file for a tax id number and set up a bank account. Once we have achieved this we can start fundraising. We are eager and excited to start this process. We just received bracelets, similar to the LIVE STRONG ones, yellow and blue with white writing, that says, "Make a difference". We are in the process of uploading a picture of them. We are selling the bracelets for $2 a piece. Please let us know if you have any questions, ideas, or would like to participate in our fundraising events! We will keep you posted. Thank you for all your support and generosity.

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