Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Here is a little info about our goals..

We are three sophomore nursing students at the College of Mount St. Joseph (in Cincinnati, Ohio) who want to make a difference in the world. We have a chance to do that by working with Lt. Colonel Tom Miller while he is in Burundi. Originally, we had just planned on collecting and sending medical supplies to Burundi, but now we know that education is the most crucial need of the Burundian people. Knowing this, we came up with an idea for a possible immersion trip with our school for December 2009, which we pitched to Sister Mary Bookser, Service Learning Coordinator at the College of MSJ. Sister Mary then presented the information to the nursing staff. While the nursing staff was unable to be involved in trip in December 2009, they expressed interest in participating in other ways and possibly becoming involved with an immersion trip in December 2010. Rather than delaying the trip until 2010, we decided to divide the trip into 2 phases.
· Phase One: We (Amanda, Liz and Jayne) will travel to Burundi in December 2009 to conduct a Site Survey/Fact Finding trip. During this trip, we will meet with government and health officials, along with Burundian people to assess their needs. We will also assess what we, as MSJ nursing students, are able to do and look for possible accommodations for the December 2010 Immersion trip. This trip will also help us to answer some of the questions posed by the MSJ nursing staff. Upon returning to the US, we will report all information acquired on our visit to all parties involved. Using the information acquired on our trip, we will start collecting supplies and donations from the school and the community. Over the course of the next year, we will educate our fellow nursing students on the current health issues facing the Burundian people so that we are prepared and able to help in any and every way possible. After Phase One is a success, we hope that the school will become involved in Phase Two.
· Phase Two: In December 2010, a small group of MSJ nursing students and an advisor will travel to Burundi as an immersion trip. We will bring all donations (medical supplies/equipment, clothing, etc) that we were able to collect since our last trip. We will go out into the communities to distribute the donated items and do some education in some of the communities with Burundian people about preventable health issues and safe practices.
We feel that this trip is a great way to carry out the Mount’s Mission. The trip would be an excellent learning experience that integrates life and learning. By going to Burundi, students will reinforce the Mount’s Mission by doing service to others while experiencing the different cultures and learning from the cultures on how to be better nurses.

Thank you for your time and support.
Liz, Jayne, and Amanda

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I just want to say that I'm a colleague of Lt. Col. Miller's here in Burundi. I'm not sure what, if anything, I can do anything to help, but I'm willing to try. I work with Americans trying to find social activities for our small community, but I'm also a liaison for security and healthcare issues. --Stephanie, girl_in_bleue at yahoo.
